Amazon Patented Air Bag for Mobile Phone

In addition to the safety of users, it seems people are also thinking about mobile phone safety. The proof, Amazon patents registered air bags for mobile phones!

Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos, has recently filed a patent application for mobile phones over the air bag. Bezos is also one of the authors of the design patent for the mobile phone. The title of the patent itself is a 'method for protecting devices from impact damage'.

"The idea of patents is to enable handsets to have a kind of sensor that can detect movement of the device and its distance from other objects. The sensor is also prevented when the device will collide with other objects," one of the contents of the patent description. As quoted from Neowin, Sunday (08/14/2011).

The patent shows a picture of one or more air bags mounted on a mobile phone. The air bag will inflate when sensors detect a risk of collision. The patent also suggests that the gas will be used to fill the air bag.

Maybe a bit strange, but many observers are waiting to see how the future if the patent is realized.

For mobile users are often careless, having this device may be helpful to them. Because the air bag will protect your phone from impact if the phone regardless of the hand grip.