Google's latest changes to search algorithms dramatically shaken up the business website that moves up or down the search rankings. Sites that rank went upstairs to find that the traffic and revenue soar - but the adjustments impact equally bad against them were dropped.
Online Publishers Association, a group of content producers many of the largest Internet properties, forecast that the algorithm changes shifted $ 1 billion in annual revenue.
With control of two-thirds of U.S. search market, Google (GOOG, Fortune 500) directs a large amount of traffic to your website. Many of them rely exclusively on advertising dollars to make money.
That means that the position in Google search results can be a matter of life or death for the business.
The biggest recipient of what seems to trigger Google calls "high quality" content, which the company defines as "information such as research, in-depth reports, in-depth analysis and so on.
For those who feel that Google is making a mistake by lowering their site in the rankings, the company said there are options: Webmasters can post in the forum discussions on the topic. Although there is no manual changes can be made, Google will often tweak the algorithm in response to legal challenges.